Comparing Calories of Energy Pods Versus Common Foods People Eat

Comparing Calories of Energy Pods Versus Common Foods People Eat

Though Energy Pods contain a significant amount of “energy,” you may be shocked to know that Energy Pods are relatively lower in calories compared to some of the common foods people are eating. Additionally, Energy Pods are more than just calories as they contain high-quality protein, fat, and no added sugar and are loaded with nutrients that your body needs. Here’s the caloric equivalent of one Energy Pod:

  • 1 cup of banana cereal
  • 1 cup raisin oatmeal
  • 2 eggs, slice of bread, and bacon
  • 1 average nutrition bar
  • 1 small soup bowl
  • 1/2 dark chocolate bar
  • 1/3 milk chocolate bar
  • 1/4 burrito
  • 1 taco
  • 1 slice of a large pizza
  • 1/2 A deli sandwich
  • 1 medium bowl of chicken caesar salad
  • 1 piece avocado & tomato toast
  • 1 pint of low-calorie ice-cream
  • 1/4 calories of an ice cream pint
  • 1 hamburger
  • 1/2 quarter pound burger
  • 1 small fries
  • 2 medium chocolate chip cookies
  • 2 cans of sugary soda

Many of the aforementioned foods favor a positive food intake and contribute significantly towards obesity and associated chronic conditions. Energy Pods also offer a superior flavor expression and are an excellent addition to any healthy diet that relies on quality science.