Debunking the Chocolate-Headache Myth: Study Shows Chocolate Not a Significant Trigger

Debunking the Chocolate-Headache Myth: Study Shows Chocolate Not a Significant Trigger

Do you suffer from chronic headaches? Have you been told to avoid chocolate by friends or doctors? A study(1) challenges the commonly held belief that chocolate triggers headaches. The double-blind study compared chocolate and carob samples in 63 women with chronic headaches, including migraines, tension-type, or combined headache sufferers. The study found that chocolate was not more likely to provoke headaches than carob in any of the headache diagnostic groups. This result was independent of subjects' beliefs regarding the role of chocolate in triggering headaches, and it did not vary based on the type of headache or other vasoactive amine-containing foods consumed.

Unfortunately, many people rely on anecdotal evidence, personal observations, and media narratives to make health decisions. This opens the door for media charlatans, influencers, and celebrities to spread misinformation and wives' tales, leading to confusion and even harm to the public. Instead, we should rely on high-quality studies that provide accurate information and help us make informed decisions about our health.

One solution to this problem is Energy Pods, a healthy and processed food product that cuts through junk processed information, focuses on science that works, and offers a tangible and convenient solution to the public. These delicious and nutritious snacks contain up to 7 grams of MCTs, artisan cocoa, almonds, and 10 grams of protein, with no added sugar. By choosing Energy Pods, you can take a step towards a healthier lifestyle without the confusion and misinformation that often come with health decisions. Don't let media narratives and personal observations dictate your health choices – rely on high-quality science and choose Energy Pods for a convenient, tasty, and healthy snack.

Dive Deeper with KG Food Company: Elevate your journey to better health with our Energy Pods or CocoZen, the world’s best almond chocolate spread, meticulously crafted for taste and wellness while building our food model and framework. Plus, join us on our acclaimed 'Energize, Explore, Enjoy Podcast,' where we delve deep into experiences through a scientific lens. Your support propels our vision forward – creating an in-house lab dedicated to pioneering nourishing foods for the future. With every purchase, you relish quality and we give back to our global community. Stay in touch with us by subscribing to our E3 digest & newsletter.