The Sweet Truth: New Study Shows Non-Nutritive Sweeteners Do Not Increase Risk of Disease, But Charlatans in Diet Communities Want to Control Your Plate

The Sweet Truth: New Study Shows Non-Nutritive Sweeteners Do Not Increase Risk of Disease, But Charlatans in Diet Communities Want to Control Your Plate

Have you ever heard someone say that non-nutritive sweeteners, or NNS, are bad for you? That they can increase the risk of heart disease and other health problems? Well, a new study(1) published in 2023 has found that NNS beverages, such as those containing artificial sweeteners, may not be as harmful as some people think.

The study, which was a systematic review and network meta-analysis of 36 trials involving 472 participants, compared the effects of NNS beverages, sugar-sweetened beverages, and water on postprandial glycemic and endocrine responses. The primary outcome measured was the 2-hour incremental area under the curve for blood glucose concentration. Secondary outcomes included other hormones and markers related to glucose metabolism.

The results of the study showed that NNS beverages had no effect on postprandial glucose, insulin, GLP-1, GIP, PYY, ghrelin, and glucagon responses when consumed alone without added energy or nutrients. In fact, NNS beverages were found to have no acute metabolic and endocrine effects similar to water. Sugar-sweetened beverages, on the other hand, were found to increase postprandial glucose, insulin, GLP-1, and GIP responses.

So, what does this mean? Well, it means that NNS beverages may be a safe and viable alternative to sugar-sweetened beverages in the acute postprandial setting. Of course, more research is needed to fully understand the long-term effects of NNS beverages and their impact on health. For the general public, this is good news as NNS can be used to make foods tastier and palatable.

On the other hand, it's very important to note that some people in the diet community, particularly those who follow the carnivore diet, have been known to demonize sweeteners and other types of food. These charlatans often claim that sweeteners are bad for you without any real evidence to back up their claims. It's important to be skeptical of these claims and to always do your own research. This is also why the best product they market to the public is overpriced salt supplements which begs the questions if diet movements, especially the carnivore diet, is even based on good faith and not personal greed and grifting?

At Ketogeek, we believe in cutting through junk processed information and focusing on science that works. That's why we've created Energy Pods, healthy and processed foods that are designed to give you a convenient and tasty solution to your nutritional needs. Our Energy Pods are made with high-quality ingredients, like MCTs, ghee, and artisan cocoa, and are free from added sugar and sodium while containing non-nutritive sweeteners that have been shown to have several health benefits! They are a great alternative to unhealthy snacks and meal replacements that are often marketed by charlatans and zealous dieters in the diet community.

In conclusion, it's important to always do your own research and to be skeptical of claims made by those in the diet community. The scientific evidence suggests that NNS beverages may be a safe and viable alternative to sugar-sweetened beverages, but more research is needed.

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