Plastic Jars vs. Glass Jars: Uncovering Sustainability and Practical Superiority

Plastic Jars vs. Glass Jars: Uncovering Sustainability and Practical Superiority

In the ongoing debate between plastic and glass packaging, recent advancements in materials science and sustainability practices have begun to tip the scales in favor of plastic jars. This article aims to explore the reasons why plastic jars, like the ones used for CocoZen, our decadent almond spread, are emerging as a more sustainable and practically superior option compared to glass jars.

1. Environmental Impact of Production

Energy Efficiency

Plastic jars, due to lower melting point and easy malleability, require less energy to produce compared to glass. The manufacturing process of glass is energy-intensive, requiring high temperatures to melt and mold.

Carbon Footprint

Studies indicate that plastic packaging can have a lower carbon footprint in production phases than glass, primarily due to lower energy requirements and lighter weight, which reduces transportation emissions and breaking.

2. Advancements in Recyclability

Recycling Innovations

With technological advancements, the recyclability of plastics has improved significantly. Innovations in sorting and processing have made it easier to recycle plastics more efficiently.

Lifecycle and Reusability

Modern plastics are designed for longer life cycles and are often reusable. This extended usability reduces the need for frequent replacement, contrary to common perceptions of plastics as single-use.

3. Weight and Transportation Efficiency

Lighter Weight

Plastic jars are much lighter than glass, reducing transportation costs and fuel consumption, a key factor in environmental sustainability.

Transportation Safety

The lighter weight of plastic also translates to a lower risk of breakage during transportation, ensuring product safety and reducing waste from damaged goods.

4. Practicality in Everyday Use


Plastic jars are more resistant to breakage compared to glass, making them a safer option in households, especially those with children. Glass jars can shatter and become a safety hazard for adults, kids, and pets.

Design Flexibility

Plastic offers greater versatility in design, allowing for innovative shapes and sizes that can be tailored to specific needs, like ergonomic grips or squeeze-friendly shapes for ease of use.

5. Types of Plastics and Safety Considerations

When it comes to food packaging, not all plastics are created equal. Food-grade plastics, which are used in products like CocoZen, are specifically designed to be safe and sanitary for food storage.

Food-Grade Plastics

These plastics are regulated by health authorities to ensure they do not contain harmful chemicals that could leach into food. Common food-safe plastics include PET (Polyethylene Terephthalate), HDPE (High-Density Polyethylene), and PP (Polypropylene).

Sanitation and Safety

Plastic jars made from these materials are equally, if not more, sanitary than glass. They do not react with the food contents, maintaining the food's purity and safety. Additionally, they are less likely to harbor bacteria due to their non-porous surface.


While the debate between plastic and glass jars continues, it's clear that with modern advancements, plastic jars offer significant benefits in sustainability and practicality. Their lower energy requirements, improved recyclability, transportation efficiency, and user-friendly attributes make them a compelling choice for environmentally conscious and practical packaging solutions.

CocoZen, our almond spread, utilizes a 12oz plastic jar, aligning with these sustainability and practicality insights. The choice of plastic packaging ensures product safety, and ease of use, and contributes to a lower carbon footprint throughout its lifecycle.

Dive Deeper with KG Food Company: Elevate your journey to better health with our Energy Pods or CocoZen, the world’s best almond chocolate spread, meticulously crafted for taste and wellness while building our food model and framework. Plus, join us on our acclaimed 'Energize, Explore, Enjoy Podcast,' where we delve deep into experiences through a scientific lens. Your support propels our vision forward – creating an in-house lab dedicated to pioneering nourishing foods for the future. With every purchase, you relish quality and we give back to our global community. Stay in touch with us by subscribing to our E3 digest & newsletter.